Friday, March 11, 2016

Your daily reminder: Please help us hit 20% of goal.

Yes, this is very late today. It's been a hell of a week, and I'm battling exhaustion.

First, the important stuff: We are nearly 20% of the way to our overall goal of $15K for Stages II and III of our home-building project. Many thanks to everyone who has donated thus far, and who has helped with sharing the link to our YouCaring page. Please continue to share it with all of your networks, on- and offline both. A couple of caveats: Please use the widgets on the page itself to share it, NOT the FB and Blogger links. Also, please use the widget if you're writing a comment about it. These things help far more than generic links. Thanks in advance.

Second, I'm just gonna put this here, because I really don't feel like doing a separate post about it. Spring is the worst season for my health, every single year. This year, I have several additional conditions snowballng into an avalanche. I am way, WAY behind on everything, for which i apologize. I have two new supplements on order in hopes of gaining some semblance of normalcy (which, understand, is not at all "normal," but merely some minimal functionality). If they don't work . . . . No, it's not good. But it is what it is.

Here's what I need: Space. I can't seem to make myself heard, and right now I have neither the volume nor the voice to say it any louder. We have been very explicit about what helps our situation and what doesn't. I need people to heed that, rather than doing the exact opposite, and worse, doing it in public to put us on the spot. We also need, and this will be blunt, not to be shamed for our situation. When people seize every opportunity to let the world know how much they've given, are giving, and are going to give to us, over and over, in public . . . . Really, this is not something we need. I can say with utmost confidence that no one can truly imagine what we've gone through the last several years, nor the toll this has taken on my pride and sense of self. Please don't continue to shame me further.

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