Sunday, March 6, 2016

Please help us get to 20% ($3K)!

We've had a good week of fundraising for the next stage of our project to build a real home after more than five years without one. But we have a long, looooooong way to go.

We hit the 10% mark for this stage a few days ago; now, we need to make it to 20%. Please help us get there by sharing the link to our YouCaring page, preferably via the site widgets (but all shares help). If you're planning on posting a sentence or two, please consider grabbing the widget from the lower right-hand side of the page; it keeps a running total.

Thanks to everyone for your help thus far; we're profoundly grateful.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Working on it. Need to finish doing my taxes to see where I stand atm, and whether I can kick in more this month, or will be waiting til next month. I skipped the gem show this weekend, figure the house is more important to get taken care of right now, and gem stock can always be added to later. (Although I am still looking at a few more pieces of the apache sage rhyolite; Amy really likes it, and I might want to commission a pendant if we can decide on a piece she likes.)

    1. Oh, wow - he would LOVE to be able to do something for Amy! But do not, not, NOT short yourself, hon. Seriously. This is a long-haul process and we will have plenty of time to raise the scratch, and the last thing we want is for it to put you in a bind at all, okay?
