Wednesday, March 30, 2016

We've hit $4K; can you help us get to $4,500?

That would be 30% of our overall goal for this stage of our home-building fundraiser. We've got just over three days left in the week; can you help us raise the next $500 by sharing the link?

Here's how: Go to our YouCaring page and share it via the widgets; also grab the widget code from the lower right-hand side of the page and post it in your various online and social media communities. [We're also two Facebook shares shy of 100, so it'd be nice to hit that target, too.] Many thanks to everyone who has shared, liked, e-mailed, donated, and otherwise given us a hand. We owe special thanks to two folks for whom I have no contact information, initials BWM and SS, for the items from our Amazon wishlist that we picked up at the post office today; at this moment, those purchases help us more than I can put into words.

Speaking of the creatures for whom those purchases are intended, here's an update for those tracking such things. Sunny appears to be no longer egg-bound. She's still rather a mess, and so skittish that I can rarely catch her, but she's feeling enough better to be the first out of the gate in the mornings, runnings and flapping and squawking (and, apparently, laying somewhere along the line). Griffin is feeling better, although he's still having some significant gastric issues. He's eating again, and more lively all the way around, so I'm hoping that at this point, it's just a matter of time. I don't think it's systemic; I think he got into something. Why? Because She-Wolf came down with similar symptoms since the weekend. She's still got it, too, but also clearly feeling better than she was a few days ago.

We've sprung Cree from the clog for a week or so, to give her foot a break. She's moving fairly comfortably even without it, and the sole remains bone-dry. We'll get an eval on Friday, when the vet comes to look at Shade. We've taken the styro pad off Shade for a few days, to give her frog and sole a chance to breathe a little bit, but she's still gimpy, and we think rotation is probably a sure thing at this point; the question will be the degree and the damage done. She's getting films taken Friday morning, so I'll know more then.

No, it never ends.

Hopefully, we'll have mostly good news on Friday, though, and hopefully even better news in the days to follow in the form of specific blueprints for the various early stages of the house. I have my fingers crossed that we have both prints and available contractors sometime next week. When I do, I'll begin posting process photos then. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Fingers crossed for good films for Shade and Cree on Friday! And glad the dogs are on the mend as well; healing energies still going out for everyone. {{{{{Hugs}}}}}

    1. Thanks, darlin'! Although we've had to postpone Cree & Shade (weather, exhaustion, & $$). But I think I've figured out the culprit with the dogs; now to figure out what to do about it. Gah.
