Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Next target date is one week away — help us hit 25% of goal before then!

Thanks to a bunch of new shares and a pair of very generous donors, we hit the 20% mark of the goal for this stage of our home-building effort last night! Our next target date is one week from today; we meet (we hope) to finalize the plans to the extent that we can then schedule the excavation work. Like, immediately thereafter, if the contractor's available.

Ideally, I'd like to see us hit 25% of our overall goal by that point. That's another $750 over the course of the next week. You can help us get there by sharing the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets on the page itself; if they won't work with your browser, you can simply cut and paste the URL from the bar at the top. It also helps if you add a sentence or two, and if you do, please grab the widget code from the lower right-hand side of the page. That's what creates the graphic above, and it updates the total automatically without you or the reader needing to do a thing except refresh the page.

In the meantime, of course, all of our other work proceeds apace. We always prefer sales to donations, of course, so if you or anyone you know is looking for truly unique and valuable gifts (Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduations, weddings, births, christenings, birthdays, anniversaries, or just something for yourself), please consider picking up something through our Web site. You'll find highly collectible Native jewelry and photography by Wings himself, as well as a wide array of other types of indigenous art. Wings also does commissions; simply inquire or purchase directly through the site's Contact form.

Speaking of which, if you're an existing client (or recipient of a gift of Wings's work), you can also help us out by submitting a client testimonial. You can find instructions for how to go about it here

You can also donate to support my own writing, which appears on Wings's blog, on my old site, and on Tumblr daily. There's a PayPal donate button on both my blog and the Tumblr site, and if you prefer donating to our home-building effort or purchasing Native art using PayPal, you can use the same donation link for that. (With regard to my writing, what would help us most is a book contract, but I have no contacts to help with that, sadly.)

Finally, if you want to help keep the four-leggeds thriving (no small task considering that they're almost all rescues and many have major health issues), we have an Amazon wish list. There are a few things on there for us, all health-related; everything else (including the vast majority of the supplements) are what keep some of the horses and dogs alive (and in She-Wolf's case, with as much of her sight as remains possible, given her diabetes; she's already beat the odds on that score by two and a half years thus far).

Many thanks from both of us to everyone who has donated, purchased items from the wish list, shared links, submitted testimonials, offered moral support, and otherwise given us a hand in our efforts to have, after more than five years without one, a real home again at last. We're profoundly grateful.

Oh, and for those contemplating a purchase of Wings's silverwork: He has a couple of new and thoroughly fabulous items in the works. They're going to be fabulously expensive, too, but worth every penny. I've already seen the sketches. 😍

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. so happy to see an even number!! Just a little more to go.

    Should I do another testimonial??! :)

    1. LOL - it *is* pretty, innit? I kinda like it. 😄

      Testimonials are always welcome, darlin', anytime you feel like it. Timing is entirely up to you.

