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Photo copyright Aji, 2021; all rights reserved. |
[Note: This was Monday's post, written at the time, but unable to be published because of our Internet outage.]
I had thought we would have a tech person out today, so I spent the early morning in a flurry, making the UPS and router accessible.
NOPE. Still nothing, because they’re so “understaffed” that they didn’t even call until after 11 AM, and then they said they couldn’t get a tech out here any earlier than between 4 and 5 PM on FRIDAY.
I raised some hell, and they “shuffled” it to late Thursday.
And then Wings got wind of it.
Apparently his name still means something here (yes, the CEO knows him), because he sent a text telling him he expected to hear back from said CEO, and that he would be contacting the PRC to get them to investigate why it is that such richly paid executives cannot keep minimal staffing on an essential PUBLIC UTILITY.
I suspect that “PRC” and “public utility” and “investigation” had a bit to do with it, too. Anyway, ten minutes later they called back, asked me my name, LOL, and informed me that they had done some further “shuffling” and would now have someone out between 3 and 4 PM TOMORROW.
We’ll see. We’ll also see whether it can be fixed on the post or not. If they have to run a new cable from the outside terminal into the house? We’re fucked. We can’t afford it. I’m past due on a bunch of bills from not having Internet access for two days already and no way to make any sales, and we’re screwed on a whole bunch of fronts, not the least of which is quarterly taxes and vehicle insurance. If I can’t get online soon, and also makes some sales soon, my biopsy for next week has to get canceled.
Nothing, indeed.
And again, all the rest is cut-and-paste; I can’t even get into the file at the moment for the text, but when (IF?) the Internet’s ever back up again, I’ll deal with it then. All the usual is below:
This is our second-most-costly month of the year, thanks to certain biannual expenses, and every year, I think this will be the year that I get ahead of it, and every year, I get crushed instead. This time, it was all these medical expenses that did it. But the upshot is that I have to find ~$3,500 before the month is out, ~$1,500 of it by the first of the week, and I'm nowhere on it. My Patreon is down by 3 figures these days, and I don't have the health to do it daily anymore. And now we might finally know why; labs indicate lupus as a likely culprit. You can read the details of that here. I need help, though. The fatigue alone is kicking my ass, and I don't have time for it, because the bills won't wait.
So I have got to bring in sales to cover anything, and push has come to shove now. I have to be able to pay this $1,500-ish on Monday. There's another ~$2K lurking that has to be paid the following week. I also can't do it alone, so please share our links. There's a lot of work in progress right now, and the new cuff is done, and it's up here. It's . . . there aren't really words for it. Not for the work involved, and not for the power and beauty of the result. It really needs to be snapped up fast:
- Sales here;
- Testimonials here;
- Amazon wishlist here (priorities are all the mosquito-prevention items, especially the portables and the patio-surface ones, because Wings can take them around the land with his as he works);
- Patreon here;
- Ko-fi here.
And if you've been contemplating a purchase? This would be a very, very good time to do it; I've got to make up this staggering outlay somehow. There's lots of fabulous new work, so please share all of the links.
All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2021; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.
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